the police (experts in power)

 According to Rancière, the “affirmation of ‘objective givens’ handled by the ‘experts in power’ is precisely the negation of the political; it defines what I (Rancière) have proposed to call ‘the police.’” So any task in meeting the needs or rights of the people is done by outsiders, experts, or rather the “police.” Nothing that is done for the people (needs or rights considered) can meet the expectations of all, except in some nonexistent utopia. Polity is taken care of by the police accordingly. Any power capable of defining the consensus of the people is considered the expert in power, by Rancière.  Therefore, that is such power called “the police.”  Rancière expresses the nature of police in his sense of the term by saying that “Policing is not so much the ‘disciplining’ of bodies as a rule governing their appearing, a configuration of occupations and the properties of the spaces where these occupations are distributed” The first time through this way of envisioning the world as Rancière puts it here, one gets the sense that he thinks that those experts who decide for us the way people appear in relation to one another are the wielders of power in a society. The occupation of space, the appearing in it, is governed by “the police,” the experts in power. 


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