Lord God Almighty

Is anyone out there, just to hear your nemesis’s prayer?  I have wondered, daydreamed, been curious if an Other could be possible.  It does not seem likely by all my reasoning or calculations.  David Hume said once that “reason is and always will be the slave of the passions.”  Those objects in the world or entities conjured up into the atmosphere remind us that we are alone.  If we take Hume seriously it will be in many cases that one could say those entities are a product of our passions, but really all that exist are impressions, not even data.  We would be hard pressed to conjugate our passions into a sensible (i.e reasonable) linear framework.  That might result a very immense conundrum. Can my passions be reliable enough to sense an Other.  There are forces that we realize are greater than ourselves: wind, the ocean, rivers, and others.   Sentient life almost always seems to be a force beyond my speculation.  I have always been interested in the subjectivity of others; what does it mean to be the other person? Who is the Other but the Lord God Almighty? 


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