definite connection


Gani and Marshall explain the theories and ideas that include colonialism, imperialism, and racism, and “how these ideas and patterns of racism, colonialism and erasure go on to shape, and become operationalized through, policy” So obviously, as has been shown by them, there is a relationship between postcolonial philosophy and public policy (the very point jd ripper is getting at in “Words on the street . . . “).  Keeping in mind the way that public policy develops, the academy definitely has its hands in the mix.  This must not be overlooked, because young minds are being trained in the exploitation of postcolonial thought.  There are those like Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak who have transformed the message or others who have divorced it to join the Marxist socialist agenda.  The imperialism and racism are definitely of concern to this writer, but we does not need Marxism to resolve such problems.


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