a toast to the small minded academics out there
If you want to hear the type of lecture that is given at the academy about religion, in this case, Christianity, direct yourself to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mdt0GBQu6SY …. My friend Dr. Eagleton, as he calls himself, speaks about the fair view of Christianity and not the foul response to the Faith. In this lecture, Eagleton manages to insult everyone except, of course, Marx and also Nietzsche. Eagleton speaks of the haberdashery of Freud’s thought and manages to throw in the glamorous, doubly inviting French term “jouissance” It will be up to you to look this up in the work of Jacques Lacan to get my drift. Among the insults given out, there are included even criticisms and insults to Christ as well. Eagleton, the purveyor of truth that he is, cleverly judges that the world did not end as Christ “thought it would,” making Christ a “poor historian” Wouldn’t you like to smack his pompous face while listening to his majesty Terry speak this way of Christ. You know, I think Eagleton gives a fair assessment of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, estimably better rating than I would have given them, though. The modern-day atheists are a bore, given they are not anywhere near as intelligent and creative as Nietzsche or Bergson. In any case, Eagleton demonstrates his knowledge of Christianity as demure, and he admits he knows little about it, a reason why he should have just not accepted the invitation to speak on the topic. The totalizing narrative of the Judeo-Christian tradition is amazing, given all the scholars, scientists, philosophers, and all who have spoken about and studied it. Eagleton is only one of the fewest of these, giving him credit where credit is due.