who has the master discourse ?

<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-6077932889256660"      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>  John L Campbell states that it is necessary to be “identifying the actors who seek to influence policy-making with their ideas, ascertaining the institutional conditions under which these actors have more or less influence, and understanding how political discourse affects the degree to which policy ideas are communicated and translated into practice” These three processes are central in the conditions by which public policy is shaped.  It seems most likely that policy is formulated by the influence of the most power, and power is determined by the discourse one or the other uses to clarify their wants.  In many humanities departments, the “hegemony” is identified and blamed for policy determinations. This title is typically attached to the male, white, Christian; on the other hand, there seems to be a lot of evidence that these days an elite group is in the position to utter the master discourse or meta-narrative.  It does not take a deep sturdy like that which Campbell put so much work into.  Certainly, demographics play a role, but media and representations in them seem more compelling in dictating what policies will be like.  Using the word “dictate” to describe the way in which one would influence the content of public policy seems applicable in the present decision-making environment, around public policy.  Many eyes need to be enlightened as to who the real game-changers are; the scales peeled off their eyes.


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