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Henry Giroux "explores how the intersection of cultural studies and public pedagogy offers a challenge to both the ideology and practice of neo-liberalism as a form of cultural politics" According to Giroux neo-liberalism "(corporate culture into every aspect of American life)"    "thrives on a culture of cynicism, fear, insecurity, and despair"  One does not get far along in Giroux's work before one can realize that what he says is the reverse of actual reality.  What is problematic is the singular, pervasive, never challenged from within perspective which is taught in the universities; the academy always bolsters and reaffirms itself. Giroux's challenges culture by teaching what he considers critical thought or critical pedagogy.  One argument that Giroux uses against neo-liberalism is as follows: in a unique world, Giroux imagines (perhaps a feudal society) "non-commodified public spheres are replaced by commercial spheres as the substance of critical democracy is emptied out and replaced by the democracy of goods available to those with purchasing power and the increasing expansion of the cultural and political power of corporations throughout the world"  This then leads to competition and inequity, and unequal government controls.  The leap is that competition leads to inequity, this is never critically challenged, many students have to compromise their upbringing, in regards to this approach. This is taught as reality and is given no critique in schools. 


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