The same stuff

 <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   Henry Giroux proclaimed in 2004 that “Central to the hegemony of neo-liberal ideology is a particular view of education in which market-driven identities and values are both produced and legitimated. Under such circumstances, pedagogy both within and outside of schools increasingly becomes a powerful force for creating the ideological and affective regimes central to reproducing neo-liberalism” The world market and economy, which neo-liberalism (and thus capitalism) would be interested in, is in fact failing around the world.  Giroux states in the same work that “At this point in American history, neo-liberal capitalism is not simply too overpowering; on the contrary, ‘democracy is too weak’” First, I must say that the democracy Giroux claims to want is actually social democracy or democratic socialism.  At this point 2022 that which Giroux is focused on has become the strong force, as capitalism takes a pummeling in the US and around most of the world. If Giroux continues to teach the same diatribe, he is focused on an illusuroy world.  Critical thought is not agreeing with Giroux, but rather thinking critically for oneself.  Critical thinking is what Giroux promotes in his pedagogy. 


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