2004 and now

 <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-6077932889256660"      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>   Henry Giroux educated us in 2004 with a critical position and Marxist insight, demonstrating how the world is affected by capitalism’s influence, he says “non-commodified public spheres are replaced by commercial spheres as the substance of critical democracy is emptied out and replaced by a democracy of goods available to those with purchasing power and the increasing expansion of the cultural and political power of corporations throughout the world” Giroux continues to reinforce this theory of critical thought even these days when a social democracy is killing our economies and the well-being of people around the globe, including the East and the Global South.  Giroux discusses goods as a negative.  Some, a lot, of these “goods” fulfill needs. What Giroux calls “critical democracy” is actually socialist.  As for corporations, who produces the show Giroux likes to wear, or his shirt, his tie, or his undergarments. Many who promote this agenda are hypocrites, in the worst kind of way, they are the elites.


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