According to the government 2 + 2 = 5 and Math is racist. Let’s spread the Truth, which is misinformation. Let’s spread misinformation all over the place, in every household, community, city, state, and nation(s). We will not cave on the matter of Truth, no matter how much they say 2 + 2 = 5. No matter what the Party tried to press upon the mind of Winston Smith (in George Orwell’s “1984”), Smith would not succumb, until the end. For us we will not succumb to the lies, i.e. truth is lies; math is injustice; truth is unjust and other opposites that are flipped on their heads, and are made into the real lies that they are feeding the world. The Left is relentlessly programming young children, to young adults, to you. Media process has you under its spell. Stop watching TV and movies, please. You will find only lies there. So let’s spread misinformation, while the government is calling truth to be lies. Government and media are vacuous ...