Who you give to, may be scary . . . . . . . . . . . .

Careful who you contribute to! A prime conservative watchdog, investigative organization that covers news and events from a conservative perspective, just fired a top investigator for his work on exposing Leftist propaganda.  His event coverage was on a sensitive issue that needs more attention.  Let us all pray for those organizations that they do not buy the LIES of the Left and become part of the Leftist cultural agenda (you may say “woke culture” as racist as that sounds, I do not use this term much b/c of its blatant racist sound). Be diligent about who you support with God’s wisdom and remember that anything can turn on a dime. We must not cave to the Left, stay tuned in to see the next post on wewillnotcave. These posts are always a brief read, though sometimes dense, sorry, but hang in there, and trust in the Lord Almighty.  


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