Spun Death

The tragic end of life is being introduced now that it is evident that otherness issues have been exploited and politicized.  At the sad end of several lives, a particular news source paints some individuals as fanatical, religiously, and politically.  This is a sad turn of events in how it is represented and paints the tensions created by media concerning people and their differences.  Let those who have ears/eyes let them hear/see the divisive nature of what media sources can do, even in the wake of a terrible tragedy. Whether it be the death of a person or several persons, as in this latest episode (I will let you surmise what I am writing about, just watch the latest news and you will know, in time), it immediately becomes politicized by the reporting, and the reporting demonizes religious people.  Man! if it were some new-age farcicalist belief ending in death, you would not hear about the beliefs being involved in such a tragedy.  Yes, I am being cryptic, but you will either pick up on what I am talking about or you will not.  I do not cite or watch out for media and news, but when ending an email session, I noticed the story tonight.  It is, I am sure, plastered all over social media, and God and political views will be the blame that is spun into this tragedy by media sources, guaranteed! Take off your virtual reality suits, step back, and realize the twists, spins, turns, and lies of the media. Anoop Nayak writes the following relevant text, though for different ends.  I cite this text because of its relevance to what I have just described. Nayak writes: “Ethnography, the description of culture, inevitably entails the representation of human experience which is conveyed through the social apparatus of language, sign, motif, symbol, metaphor and metonymy.  In this respect, ‘Culture is not itself visible, but is made visible only through its representation’”


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