Men of God

 God stands steadfast and righteous for us.  Will we stand up for him?  Some men in the church need to stand up for what is right. The left is over on us and it's time to push back hard. No more playing games about critical race theory, and gender bender theory, or black lives matter, these are not the things that stand in a way. What stands in our way is a democracy that is turning into a despotism. We should have seen it coming we should have listened to the man of God. You should have listened to me.  I am sorry that I ever said a word to the men of God, those who claim to follow him.  Just like the Lord was disappointed in the Israelites, so am I disappointed in these men of God. The chance to capture culture and rescue worldview is over.  We must find ways to stay alive as Christians in an ever devolving world that considers us enemies.  A beg of you please do not raise your hands to The holy name, while facing the crisis we're in with malaise.  We must seek justice and righteousness, seeking first the kingdom of God and Christ's return.  Those few elect who choose to rally behind the truth of God will invariably be assaulted by the left. The one in power now it's not a holy man.  Cursing God and not knowing even what to call God, reverting to calling God some "thing".  Social democracy, Democratic socialism, progressivism, all lead to communism.  The men of God must stand up for truth and do it now before it's too late.


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