Warning about the waning voice

Janowski complains that “My saying that the Italian Dante is the greatest poet can only meet with a riposte: What makes you think so! How dare you. You hold such a logocentric, Eurocentric view!” Some recite “hogwash,” and present anti-Classical education as the gold standard of education.  I see the value of multiple voices, but academia and the media would have us with a univocal (one voice) rhetoric and propaganda.  For those unaware of these issues and who desire to think beyond the mantra of the Left, I recommend Zbigniew Janowski’s book Homo Americanus: The Rise of Totalitarian Democracy in America.  When the Leftist complains that there is a threat to democracy, what this means is that the supposed “majority” speaks and that there is a supposed “minority” voice that needs to be extinguished.  This silencing of the voice of the opposition is the intention of the democracy presented.  The “majority rules” is a definite rule by the ruling class, i.e. the elites (Hollywood and the news media, for example). There is no opposing voice that should be given any credence according to this propaganda machine. The Right must be shut-down, and the univocal voice is to be the only thing represented.  There is one Party and no other, all believe alike and support the communist state.


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