The master signifier
The master signifier is that with which or he for whom there is no need for reference to it or himself. More often than not this is represented by and embodied by the pastor, minister, the preacher, the priest, the clergy, the lawyer, and the doctor. A person cannot exist appropriately without there word of blessing or diagnosis. The reference, the referent, the designation, is that which gives a signifier a definition. Father Joe needs no referent because he stands in distinction by himself as an authority. His power, and reverence, and word are authority and not to be questioned. The doctor gives a diagnosis, or analyzes a question or problem, no matter what the topic they always know the answer. The vestments or the white coat gives the appearance of authority. There is no special knowledge, only authority. No matter in what context the father (pater) or the doctor (purveyor of science) are the authority on whatever is discussed. Anythi...